Friday, June 6, 2014

Admission for Adults to the Scholar's Ball

There have been a number of inquiries regarding supervision of children during the Scholar's Ball at Zouk. WSC staff will be managing the event along with the additional security that has been hired for the venue. Only participants of WSC are allowed admission into the venue.

For AIAs and other adult chaperons still interested in attending the Scholar's Ball, WSC will be offering admission tickets during check-in. Tickets will be priced at $48 SGD and will include unlimited access to soft drinks.

For more information, please email

Jerry the Alpaca


  1. Adult participants are allowed to get in? That's nice. Thanks.

  2. Hi! Adults are allowed to enter if they wish to purchase a ticket for $48 SGD, but this is not included in the Adult Registration fee. See you soon!

    1. Hi Zachary

      During the scholar's Ball at Zouk, is the venue open to public for access? Look forward to your reply thanks.

    2. Do the students have access to alcohol at Zouk?

    3. Good questions! Zouk is closed to the public that night, and no alcohol will be available, even to students who are of the legal age in Singapore. Thanks for asking!

  3. What about the Night Safari? Can we still get the discounted rate if we want to sign up today?
